last night I tried out some sketching with stitches, this is how it turned out. I quite like it, though his neck is a little too long! I love the feel of the stitches on the taut fabric when I run my fingertips across the top. I'll have another go today, I'm excited about the possibilities - different stitches, coloured threads, backgrounds, the thicknessess of threads. I'll let you know how it goes!
On an excursion to the garden shed, I came across this little birdy I stitched last year. He's been hanging out outside and has a weathered look that suits him. 
Also found my baby frangipani has it's first flower- it was rescued from the bin at the Horticultural College, and has lived (barely) in various pots on balconies, until now when he has his very own spot in the sun- so he' finally flowered. (Not sure why my frangipani is a he, but it fits!)
straight on my birthday wishlist is a better camera, never noticed until I use these shots and go hrrrmmm....
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