Goodness me I am so excited this morning I don't quite know what to do with myself. Four days stretch before me in which to follow my whims and fancies. So much time, so many things I want to do.make.read.plant.sew.draw.
I want to draw some more embroidery patterns
I would like to make a teacup pin cushion like this one
I would like to put on robots and make my house sparkly and fresh
I want to write some letters and maybe join up for a swap
I would like to plant some seedlings and look after my lemon tree
I would like to have a go and making my own notebook like this gorgeous one
I would like to read some of the stack of library books on my bed
And that's just today.
I've been up early (thank you, daylight savings), and have been wandering through lovely blogs, making pancakes and drinking tea. Now what shall I do first?
Happy Easter Everyone!
If you'd like to download a printable easter card from the lovely bunny picture above, I found it here.)
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