
Basically you make a toy then release it into the wild! Each one has a tag on it explaining that it really is for you to take home, and invites finders to log their find on the toy society blog.
I decided to let the little yellow monster free, and made up a tag and envelope from brown paper and pages from 'The Jungle Book'.
At first I wanted to leave him in the playground in my favourite park, and I tried to get up early so I could leave him inconspicuously, but alas, there were people and prams and kidlets everywhere. Plan B was a little park near my house enclosed by tall hedges and a squeaky gate. It was deserted on a cloudy morning and success!
Here he is, waiting patiently on the swing to be found. 
It felt a little strange leaving him there and walking away, guess you get a little attached to the things you make. I do hope he's OK (and it doesn't rain!)
I hope he finds a home that deserves him. Very cute.
LOVE that - what a lovely gift to leave for someone.
awwwwww man, how did you fight the urge to not hide behind some bushes until someone finally came!??! ohhhh, i dunno if I could have resisted hehe.. nice : )
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